The Holy Spirit: The Power of God
The Apostle Paul's Teaching on God's Laws
Why Were You Born?
The Day Jesus the Christ Died
Lord, What Should I Do?
America & Britain
The Appointed Times of Jesus the Messiah
Revelation of Moses Or Religion of Men?
Occult Holidays
or God’s Holy Days—Which?
The Christian Passover
A Harmony of the Gospels in Modern English, 3rd Edition
God's Plan for Mankind
God's Bible Pathway For Children
Visit our Children's Section
The Two Babylons
Please send your request for The Seven General Epistles to:
York Publishing
P. O. Box 1038
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Other Books:
Dwight Blevins: The Last Trump And The Seven Lamps of Flame
Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art - Robert Bowie Johnson Jr.
Other Books by Steven M. Collins:
- The "Lost" Ten Tribes Of Israel...Found!
- The Origins And Empire Of Ancient Israel
- Israel's Lost Empires
- Parthia: The Forgotten Ancient Superpower And Its Role In Biblical History
- Israel's Tribes Today
(These book links go to Steven Collins' web site)