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We pray you will find what you seek about God & His Divine Plan through these articles
= PDF Transcript
- (Used by permission)
In PDF Format
- A Call to Repentance
- The Agony of the Crucifixion
- The Apostle Paul's Teaching on Justification in the Book of Galatians
- The Biblical Truth About Sabbath Keeping
- Binding and Loosing in the NT
- The Blood of the New Covenant
- Christ Was Taught Directly by God the Father
- Did Christ's Sacrifice Bring an End to the Law?
- Did Jesus Abolish the Seventh-day Sabbath?
- Did the Apostle Paul Teach A Righteousness Without Law Keeping?
- Did the Apostle Paul Teach Against the Laws and Commandments of God?
- Did the Apostle Paul Teach Gentiles To Avoid God’s Sabbath and Holy Days?
- The Four Great "Love Commandments"
- Fourteen Rules for Bible Study
- Has Christ Given Christians “Rest” from the Seventh-Day Sabbath?
- Have the Ten Commandments Been "Nailed to the Cross"?
- How Did Jesus Christ Fulfill the Law and the Prophets?
- How the “Christian” World Has Been Deceived
- Is the China Virus the Mark of the Beast or Not?
- Is the Law of God a Curse?
- It's Not the Economy, Stupid It's God!
- New Testament Was Originally Written in Greek
- Ninety Facts About God (by Lloyd Cary)
- One Man's Life-and Death
- One Perfect Sacrifice
- Passover, Lord's Supper, Communion, Sacrifice of the Mass─Which?
- Rome's Challenge to the Protestants
- Sunday—Christian or Pagan?
- Temple Mount At Jerusalem
- Tribute to William Tyndale
- Twenty-Eight Prophecies Fullfilled On the Crucifixion Day
- The Unity of Scripture
- What does it Mean to be "Born Again"?
- What does it Mean to be "Born of God"?
- What Happens to the Dead?
- What is the Purpose of the New Testament?
- What Is the “Unpardonable Sin”?
- Whatever Happened to Moral Absolutes?
- When and How Will Jesus Christ Return to the Earth?
- Were the Commandments "Abolished" Through Jesus' Sacrifice?
- Which Day of Worship Did God Make Holy?
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