Lyall Johnston—November 23, 2024
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In part one we talked about the principles in Psa. 2. We talked about those men, those women who are plotting against the Father and Christ:
- the kings
- the presidents
- the dictators
- the churches
- the financiers
Anyone who is not, as it says in Psa. 2:12, who is not kissing the Son; that is, who is not obeying the voice of Christ as He has caused the Scriptures to be written from Genesis through Revelation.
Particularly, the Word that comes from God the Father, and has given to His Son and is delivered to us as we read in the very beginning chapter of Revelation, chapter 1.
Psalm 2:12: "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for His wrath can flame up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."
So that's what God wants of the nations. God doesn't want the nations plotting against Him.
God doesn't want the nations raging against Him as they are today.
- Where did all this begin?
- Where did all this raging start?
We can go right back to the book of Genesis and we can see how that when God decided to create mankind, what did He say? Let US make mankind in OUR image!
When Jesus came, what did He look like? Well, He looked like you and me! So, we're in His image! But then God also said there's a second part to the creation or rather the making, the forming of man. That is that God is wanting to form His mind within us!
- God is wanting to form His thoughts within our mind
- God is wanting to form His way of living, His actions in our lives
But there was a problem. We know there's Satan. There's a whole story of Satan's origin. When Satan was created, he was created as a Holy, righteous, spiritual being. But he needed to build character, because God gave him free moral agency—independent free moral agency to choose!
What he did was what we read in Psa. 2:1 last time. He raged against and he plotted in vain against God the Father and Jesus Christ! We can read in Ezek. 28 how he was cast back down to the earth.
It's interesting that when Eve explained why she had eaten the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God said do not do, that was a command. That was a test of character.
- Would Adam and Eve obey or would they disobey? We know that they disobeyed and they were cast out of the garden!
- What do we find? That the whole world has been deceived by Satan, the old serpent and dragon, the devil!
But that, of course, excludes you and me, doesn't it? NO, no way, it does not exclude you and me. It includes us. The thing about that we understand is that:
- God called us
- we heard the Gospel
- we came to realize that we were sinning against God
- we were breaking His Laws and Commandments
- What happened when we learned that our sins caused the death of the Son of God? Acts 2—the death of our Savior!
- Were we not cut to the heart?
- Did we not look for a way out of this curse of death, the curse of sin and death brought on us by our first parents?
It's all a part of God's Plan!
John 14—here are the words of Christ about Satan the devil. Make no mistake what Jesus is saying. Toward the end of His ministry, just before He is crucified, this is what Jesus told His disciples. So we need to listen carefully:
John 14:30: "I will not speak with you much longer because the ruler of this world is coming…."
We know what happened then. Satan brought about the crucifixion of the Son of God. What we know is that three days and three nights later, Christ was resurrected from the grave because He had a promise from God the Father. IF he obeyed every Word of God, THEN He would raise Him up and make Him the:
- Savior of all mankind
- King of kings
- Lord of Lords
- High Priest after the order of Melchizedek
Able to forgive the sins of the whole world, because His one life was worth more than every human being ever to be born since Adam and Eve right through to the end of God's Plan.
Book {}:God's Plan for Mankind Revealed by the Sabbath and Holy Days. Such an incredible, wonderful book with so much startling information that most people are not aware of; they don't know about it.
But for those who understand, for those who have read it, we can rejoice because we know that there is a plan ahead for all mankind. All of those before us that have died without the knowledge of salvation, it's not the end.
For us, God is calling us today as He wanted Adam and Eve to grow in the grace and the knowledge of God Himself, building His own character. God is perfect! He's totally righteous!
- His Laws and His Commandments
- His statutes
- His judgments
- His ordinances
- His testimonies
- His precepts
They're all perfect! You cannot fault them. The more we understand them, the more we walk in the paths of those ways that God has given to us treasure:
- more precious than gold
- more precious than diamonds
- more precious than all the wealth of the universe
We receive the Spirit of Christ also, which will guide us and lead us. And as we study the Word of God, as it is inculcated within us, as it is sealed within us—because we are sealed—once we have repented, baptized, we receive the Spirit.
Continuing on that path—we die or we go to sleep in the dust, as the Scripture says—when Christ returns, we will be resurrected.
Or if we remain alive, we will also be resurrected, we'll be changed 'in the twinkling of an eye,' as Paul says.
Remember, it was Satan—Matt. 4; Luke 4--who offered Jesus rulership of this world at that point in time, IF He would bow down and worship him!
God loves us. But God will not be taken advantage of. God will not be treated as a fool. He has no respect of persons. We reap what we sow! If we sow in righteousness, what are we going to reap? We're going to reap righteousness!
On the other hand, if we sow to unrighteousness, what are we going to reap? Certainly not righteousness! That's what God has done for us.
Let's see why God did this; why God subjected the entire creation to the angels, living in independent free moral agency.
Rom. 8:17—Paul is addressing the Roman Church in his day, but it's also today addressing the entirety of the human race. There are some whom God is drawing to this Word that:
- IF we see this Word
- IF we understand it
- IF we obey it
THENthere are great blessings! Rom. 8 gives the key
Romans 8:17: "Now, IF we are children… [children of God] …we are also heirs…"
Just like William is heir to the crown, the British throne (which I mentioned in part one), was in fact, David's throne. But it's also the throne of Christ, Who is going to remove that throne again. It was put into London for a place of safety because the Jews sinned. They were taken into captivity, but to preserve that throne was taken. Eventually through the process ended up in the city of London. That's where the dominion, the scepter power lies.
When Christ returns, He's taking it back to Jerusalem. I feel confident that the Stone of Scone is going to go back to Jerusalem. Not because Christ needs it, but it's a physical example of the face of where modern Israel, which is primarily what we're talking here:
- Britain
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
which are Ephraim today, and you'll find that in God's Plan book. If you haven't read it, you do need to read it, or you need to read it again. Study it thoroughly, because that helps to understand what is taking place in the world today.
Christ is going to claim that throne back again, and He's going to have the dominion, as we saw, and the sovereignty over all nations:
- to bring all nations together
- to bring all nations into the obedience to the Laws and Commandments of God
When we look at the world today, and we see the confusion, we see the upheaval, we see the plotting, we see all that. We have a certainty that that is all coming to an end.
"…—truly, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…" (v 17)—sitting on that throne, which is currently symbolically situated in London!
That's where the authority was. That's where the dominion and the sovereignty needs to be, although sadly not being handled in the way that King David handled it.
Does the Royal Family need to turn to the book of Kings and read the example of Josiah? When he went into the temple and found the Scriptures and he read them, he tore his clothes and he repented, and he brought the people back to God again.
Is the king of England, or his heir, be prepared to do that today. This question they must answer before God, because like the rest of us, they are also under judgment. But then because of sitting in the lineage of David on that throne, symbolically sitting on that throne, they're responsible to God. You can read what happened to the kings of Judah who did not obey God.
- Is the king today following in those same footsteps?
- Has he read the Law?
- Has he studied the Law?
- Does he understand it?
- Is he applying it?
Because he really needs to! That's a message, not from a man, but written on the Word of God. That's God's message to him.
"…—if indeed we suffer together with Him, so that we may also be glorified together with Him" (v 17).
What a wonderful expression; what a wonderful hope that is.
Verse 18: "For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time…"
Are we suffering? We all suffer! Because we're suffering under the rule of Satan the devil.
"…are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation…" (vs 18-19).
The creation that's all around that exists out there that we are only aware of a minute, can't go of it because of our limitations as human beings. God sees it all.
What David wrote in Psa. 8: 'You have placed your glory above the heavens!' Before that creation, before the heavens were there, the Scriptures tell us, God was! God existed before that. What was he doing? We don't really know! But we know His glory is so great that it's hard for us to understand. But when we look at the creation, we can understand. That's what gives us the knowledge of how great, how marvelous and how wonderful our God and Father and Jesus Christ in heaven are.
Verse 18: "For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us."
God is going to share His glory with us! Not now; it's future. Once we have allowed Him to build:
- His mind
- His character
- His spirit
within us!
Verse 19: "For the earnest expectation of the creation… [that's entirety of the creation] …itself is awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God."
Are you one of those sons or daughters of God?
- IF you're keeping God's Commandments
- IF you've repented
- IF you've been baptized
- had hands laid on
- received the Holy Spirit
THEN you are one of God's children!
Verse 20: "Because the creation was subjected to vanity…"
Gen. 3—Adam and Eve were subjected to vanity and they took the bait from Satan. Not the end of God's Plan, because God's Plan continued. God had already got this all mapped out, all sorted out. It's just that the Plan took probably just a little, took a different direction based on whether they would obey or disobey God.
Verse 20: "Because the creation was subjected to vanity, not willingly…"
Now the reason that God subjected vanity, and that includes you and me, to vanity, to pride, which is the root of all evil. It's the root of all sin. "…not willingly…" Why? So that we could:
- learn to obey God
- fight against Satan the devil
- build the character and the mind of Jesus Christ
It helps us! It's the way to let the mind of Christ dwell within us richly, Let His Word dwell deeply within us, as Paul wrote to the Colossians.
"…but by reason of Him who subjected it in hope… [Why?] …in order that the creation itself might be delivered from the bondage of corruption…" (vs 20-21).
The corruption that we see in the world today, in our political systems, in our religious systems, in all the systems of man, we're in bondage!
Are the people not in bondage? Even the rich and wealthy are in bondage to Satan the devil, and many of them serving him: even drinking the blood of sacrificed children in order to gain power from him.
Myths? You think so? You need to do some study, you need to do some research. Satan is a very powerful being, he's very smart, he's very clever. But he's too clever, because he himself is self-deceived! Remember that, when you're battling him, he's a self-deceived individual. You and I do not have to allow ourselves being deceived by him.
Verse 21: "In order that the creation itself might be delivered from the bondage of corruption…"
Do you want to have a part in this? Of helping the creation to be relieved or delivered from the bondage of corruption:
"…into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that all the creation…" (vs 21-22).
We don't know how, but the whole creation is in bondage. That means all those galaxies out there. The whole creation is in bondage.
"…is groaning together and travailing together until now. And not only that, but even we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit…" (vs 22-23).
- Do you have the firstfruits of the Spirit? If you don't,
- Do you want them?
We have such an abundance of material in that subject of repentance and conversion, and what it means to serve God.
"…the firstfruits of the Spirit…" (v 23).
Not everyone can receive this today, only those whom God calls. IF we seek God with all our heart, mind and soul, we will find Him! The power condition, the IF is we must obey His Commandments beginning with the Sabbath Day, THENgoing on into the Holy Days.
It's such a wonderful plan. It's all working for you. All the Scriptures put together so it's easy to see because we need guidance in putting the Scriptures together. For those who have studied it, those who understand. God has revealed it!
Verse 23: "And not only that, but even we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, also groan within ourselves, awaiting the sonship—the redemption of our bodies."
It's a wonderful Plan of God. There's much more, of course, that we're learning. But there's one important point that we need to understand: This Truth is only coming from one source, and that is from the source of the Church that Christ Himself is building.
Christ Himself is the One Who's revealing all this Truth, not only to mankind, but to the personalities and powers above. The angels look to Him to find out about God's Plan that God is revealing to them through those whom He has called.
So, it's a wonderful Plan; it's a beautiful Plan. But read the book that I had mentioned in part one: America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the World.
Do you want to know the goals that God has for those two nations, mighty and powerful? They are today modern Israel!
Scriptural References:
- Psalm 2:12
- John 14:30
- Romans 8:17-24
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Ezekiel 28
- Acts 2
- Matthew 4
- Luke 4
- Psalm 8
- Genesis 3
Also referenced: Books{}:
- God's Plan for Mankind Revealed by the Sabbath and Holy Days
- America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the World
Transcribed: 11/27/24
Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.