“To Walk In the Way of the Lord”
Fred R. Coulter – June 3, 2006
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And greetings, brethren. This is the Sabbath before Pentecost. Now let’s come back here to Leviticus 23 and let’s see something about counting Pentecost. We’re going to rehearse it just a bit, and then we will see the message that is for us out of the word of God which culminates in this last day of the seven weeks. Now let’s come here to Leviticus 23:9, “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land...” So this ceremony could not take place until they came into the land. And as we know, that happened, as we find, in Joshua 5. “...Which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof...” So it was the harvest of the land. They didn’t plant it, it wasn’t their harvest; it was theirs inasmuch as that when God gave them the land they owned it. “...Then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest...” Now the thing that’s important to understand is this: “...And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the Sabbath...” Now the term “Sabbath” here is ha shabbat, and it always means the weekly Sabbath. Then you were to count seven sabbaths.
Now let’s come down here and see the count in verse 15: “And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath...” So that is the Sabbath which falls during the days of Unleavened Bread, and then the next day puts it on the first day of the week. “...from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete...” Now this is seven sabbaths, and “shall be complete,” meaning each week ends in a Sabbath. Now when you tie that together with Deuteronomy 16 where it says that you are to count seven weeks, so you put it together. These are whole weeks ending in a Sabbath. Now here is a thing that is important, verse 16: “Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath [so that’s today, the seventh Sabbath] shall ye number fifty days...” (Lev. 23:9-11,15-16, KJV). And so if you take that and line that all up, it always comes out on a Sunday.
Now let’s come to Deuteronomy 2. Because - let’s liken the seven weeks that it took the children of Israel to come out of Egypt in order to receive the Ten Commandments from God at Mount Sinai, let’s liken that to an extended travel that they had all through the wilderness. And remember, God provided for them. He led them by the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night; He gave them manna; and as we will see, their clothes didn’t even grow old, and so forth. Now let’s come here to Deuteronomy 2:7 (KJV): “For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand...” Now this is what we want God to do for us in our personal lives, and our family lives, and in our church lives. “...He knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness…”
Now today we live in a different kind of wilderness, a spiritual wilderness filled with all kinds of physical things. “…These forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.” Now we find in Exodus 16 when God first began to give the manna to the children of Israel, He said that He was going to do this to prove them, to test them whether they would walk in His law or not. Now that’s the same thing for us. Are we going to walk in God’s way, even in spite of the world in which we are living?
Now let’s come to Leviticus 26:2, and let’s see what God says about walking in His way. And if you want a title for this sermon, it will be, “To Walk In the Way of the Lord.” Now, “Ye shall keep My sabbaths…” Now there again, we have plural, referring to the weekly Sabbath and holy days, “…And reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD. If ye walk in My statutes, and keep My commandments, and do them...” all the way through. Then He says He will bless them, give them peace, and things like this. So today we are living in a world where there is very little peace, there is nothing but trouble and difficulties. All of us in our lives, we have things that we are confronted with all the time. But let’s understand that God has given us the way. He has given us the truth. He has given us the life through Jesus Christ.
Now come over here to verse 11: “And I will set My tabernacle among you…” Now today it’s quite different because each one of us are a temple of God. “…And My soul shall not abhor you. And I will walk among you…” Now we’re going to see how this applies to the church a little later; “…and will be your God, and ye shall be My people. I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright” (Leviticus 26:2,11-13, KJV). Now that’s what God has done with us spiritually. Just like the children of Israel, as we saw during the days of Unleavened Bread, were rescued from Egypt; Pharaoh was a type of Satan, and that his armies were a type of the demons, and how God rescued them, and so forth; did all the things that He did to bring them out of the land of Egypt and bring them into the promised land. And when we come here to the book of Deuteronomy - let’s come back here to chapter 8, and let’s see the things that God warned them of. And then let’s see how this applies to the church today and how it applies to our lives, and how not only do we need to do the things that please God, but we also need to beware of the difficulties and problems that we’re confronted with in the world today.
Now let’s begin right here in Deuteronomy 8:1: “All the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do…” Now I’m going to give a sermon here sometime soon which will be, “Which commandments should we keep?” And we’ll understand the error of where most of the professing Christianity of this world falls into and the difficulties that they have in rejecting the commandments of God. “…That ye may live…” And God wants us to live. God wants us to grow spiritually. God wants us to live in His way. “…And multiply, and go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers. And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness…” Just like we are to remember that God has called us out of the world. We are to remember that we are not to go back to spiritual Egypt. Now here is what God is doing in our lives. And here is why we go through the things that we do, the same exact process that they went through, only for our spiritual good and our spiritual benefit. Now He did this forty years in the wilderness, “…to humble thee, and to prove thee…”
Now let’s just look at our lives. How many have been in the church of God, how long? Some have just been baptized, and some have been in the church of God 40 or 50 years. So we have the same thing. How are we walking in the world? And is God testing us and proving us? Yes, all the time, “…to know what was in thine heart...” And this is what God wants to know. And when we see about the seven churches a little bit later, it all has to do with the heart and how they stand before God, and what the problems of the world pressing in on the church caused them. “…To know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep His commandments, or no [and also whether we would love God or not]. And He humbled thee, and suffered the to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that He might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live” (Deuteronomy 8:1-3, KJV). And then he gave them some other instructions in showing that even their clothes didn’t wax old and their shoes didn’t wear out. And then he warns them beware lest they forget.
Now let’s come back to the New Testament. Let’s come to II John, and let’s see how this applies to us. Now let’s look and see how we are to walk in God’s way. II John 4. There are no chapters there, so it’s just II John 4. “I rejoiced exceedingly that I have found among your children those who are walking in [the] truth...” So that’s what God wants us to walk in - walk in the truth. We are sanctified by the truth, which is the word of God. “…Exactly as we received commandment from the Father.” Now notice how this parallels with what we read back there in the Old Testament. Now verse 5, “And now I beseech you, lady [which then is the type of the church], not as though I am writing a new commandment to you, but that which we have observed from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is the love of God: that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, exactly as you heard from the beginning, that you might walk in it” (II John 4-6, FV).
Now we also know this, that God gives us some warnings about how we are walking and how we’re living in the world. Let’s come to II Corinthians 6, and let’s see why God does this. If you think that the children of Israel had all of their problems because they didn’t follow in the way that God wanted them to do, well just think about the church of God today. We’re going to talk about that a little later, so I just want you to get this in your mind. Let’s come here to II Corinthians 6:14: “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers…” Now that’s especially true in the sense of what the world would call Christianity. And one of the biggest errors that the church of God has done in recent time has gone to the Christianity of this world and say, “What do you know about God?” Well you’ve seen the results of that because they don’t really know the way of God very well.
Now here is what we need to watch: “…For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? And what fellowship does light have with darkness? And what union does Christ have with Belial?” Now Belial means “the son of foolishness.” “…Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever? And what agreement is there between a temple of God and idols?” Now here’s the whole key, which is important: “…For you are a temple of the living God…” That’s why our calling is special. That’s why it is important. That’s why we need to always follow the way of God. You are a temple of the living God, “…exactly as God said: ‘I will dwell in them and walk in them...’ ” Now if Christ is in you, how should you walk? We’ll see about this a little bit later on here. “‘…And I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Therefore, come out from the midst of them and be separate,’ says the Lord, ‘and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you; and I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty’ ” (II Corinthians 6:14-18, FV).
And this is what we want to attain to, because, as we’ll see, tomorrow pictures the Resurrection. Tomorrow pictures the completion of this journey and the walk that we are walking in. Now let’s come back here to Psalm 86, and let’s see some other things which tie into this and help us understand how we need to walk, and help us understand how God is dealing with us. Now we all know we have things we need to change and overcome, and righteousness that we need to grow in, and that’s all a part of the meaning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But in order to fulfill the completeness of the Feast of Unleavened Bread we’ve got to get to the final goal, which is the Resurrection.
Now let’s come here to Psalm 86:11: “Teach me Thy way, O LORD…” Now if we’re going to walk in the way of the Lord we have to examine the word of God and know what it is and He has to teach us. “…And I will walk in Thy truth…” Now see how that combines with what we have already talked about here, walking in the truth. “…Unite my heart to fear Thy name. I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart…” And this is what God wants from all of us - that we love God with all our heart; that we walk in God’s way with all our heart; that we believe God with all of our heart; that we trust in God with all of our heart. “…And I will glorify Thy name for evermore. For great is Thy mercy toward me: and Thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.”
Now down here to verse 14: “O God, the proud are risen up against Me…” And there are a lot of things that are coming against a lot of brethren today. “…And the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul; and have not set Thee before them. But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.” Now here’s the whole key in verse 16: “O turn unto me…” Now if we return to God, God promises He will return to us. Remember, God has called us and chosen us, and given us His Spirit, and He is walking in us. This is why we need to let the Spirit lead us - lead us in the way that we think, in the way that we live, on a daily basis. Not just on the Sabbath, not just when we feel “religious.” “O turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; give Thy strength unto Thy servant, and save the son of thine handmaid” (Psalm 86:11-17, KJV). God has helped us and comforted us.
Let’s come to another couple of Psalms here. Let’s come to Psalm 119:1. Now let’s see what happens when we’re walking in the way of the Lord; our journey, as it were, to spiritual Mount Sinai. “Blessed [so this results in blessings, as we will see] are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.” So we have the way the Lord equals the way of truth, the way of His commandments, the way of His laws; the way of statutes and judgments; the way of keeping His Sabbath; the way of keeping His holy days; the way of taking care of our bodies and minds; even the way of eating, that we eat the things are right, and so forth. All of those are part of the way of the Lord. Now notice, “Blessed are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart.” We’re going to find all the way through here that it has to do with the heart. “They also do no iniquity: they walk in His ways” (Psalm 119:1-3, KJV). Now let’s understand this: when you have this kind of attitude toward God and you’re walking in His ways, you have no sin imputed to you. But you have the righteousness of Christ imputed to you. And that’s what is important.
Let’s come to Psalm 138:1. Let’s see some other things about walking in the way of the Lord, walking in the way of God. And here’s what it needs to do for us: “I will praise Thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto Thee. I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise Thy name for Thy lovingkindness and for Thy truth: for Thou hast magnified Thy word above all Thy name.” (Psalm 138:1-2, KJV). Very important to understand. Now let’s translate this into things that we have for the New Testament. When we pray, when we study, when we come before God we are coming right into the holy of holies in heaven above through the very sacrifice of Jesus Christ so that we can do these things.
Now let’s come down to verse 6: “Though the LORD be high, yet hath He respect to the lowly: but the proud He knoweth afar off. Though I walk in the midst of trouble…” And we’re going to see that the church is always confronted with difficulties and problems and troubles because we’re living in this world, even though we know we’re not part of this world. “…Thou wilt revive me: Thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy right hand shall save me. The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me…” And that’s the whole goal. That is the whole goal that God wants us to understand - He is perfecting us. Now continuing, “…Thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of Thine own hands” (Psalm 138:1-2, 6-8 KJV).
Now let’s apply that to us. We are the workmanship of God created in Christ Jesus, correct? And let’s always understand this: the way that we always keep the perspective we need to have is to realize how great and marvelous our calling is, and what God is doing for us, and to us, and through us, and in us, and where He wants us to go. And He wants us to be faithful to the end and attain to the Resurrection. So this is a great and marvelous thing that we always need to keep in mind, and to realize this above all things.
Now let’s come to the book of Revelation. Here in Revelation 1, let’s see what it says about Christ, and let’s see that Christ is intimately involved in His church. And it is the focus of His whole attention at the present time. Now there are things that are going on in the world which He is also directing, but the central focus is His church. Now let’s pick it up here in Revelation 1:8. Now this helps us understand how important it is that Christ is dealing with each one of us, and how important the plan of God is. And as we have seen, it’s all on the framework of the holy days of God. And as we have seen, every one of the holy days are all connected together and have meaning.
“ ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending,’ says the Lord, ‘Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come - the Almighty.’ ” Christ is going to return, and His return is going to be so powerful and so glorious - we’re going to see about that tomorrow. And it’s going to be so spectacular that our thoughts and imaginations of it are just very minuscule compared to what it is really actually going to be. Then John, who was given this vision by Jesus Christ, “I, John, who am also your brother and joint partaker in the tribulation and in the kingdom and endurance of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord; and I heard a loud voice like a trumpet behind me, saying, ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last’; and, ‘What you see, write in a book, and send it to the churches that are in Asia…’ ”
So this is a written message. And as we know, John canonized the whole New Testament. So this can also refer to that as well, the whole inclusive thing. But what he writes in the book here, the letters to the seven churches, have to do with how God deals with His church; how Christ, Who is the head of the church, is working with His church and how the church, with God’s Spirit living in the world, has the difficulties and trials that they need to overcome, and how God is dealing with us. And this is why we need to go back and over this, especially at this time of year. Because this shows that the seven churches picture the seven weeks leading up to Pentecost. And it is just like the harvest of the seven weeks of the wheat harvest that takes place, the seven churches are the spiritual harvest of God.
Now He names them here: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Now as we’re going to see, these seven churches picture the churches that were then, number one. Number two, it is also a prophecy of all the churches of God down through history from the time that it was formed in 30 A.D. with the coming of the Holy Spirit until the return of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection at Pentecost. Number three, it pictures the spiritual condition and attitude of the churches in general and individuals in particular. So it includes all of that. Now it includes one more thing, which is this: the churches at the end. So what we really have is this: the seven churches that were there, the seven - and people like to call them the seven church eras, or stages of the church down through history, and the seven churches at the end.
Now I think if we view things from the point of view like the Bible Sabbath Association, and look at the different publications that come out; and for us, when we look at what is called The Journal, we can see in TheJournal different parts of messages which go to the churches of God. And it’s quite an interesting thing that that is what it is. And what you see when you read The Journal, you see how that there are various different doctrines and teachings which also are reflected here in Revelation 2 and 3, as we will see in just a minute, and what we need to do about those. Because some of these teachings are not in accord with the word of God.
Now notice verse 12, “And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me; and when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands…” Now this is just like in a circle. This is not a replica of the candle, or the lamp-holder that is found in the Temple. Because as we will see, the seven golden lampstands - now notice verse 13, “And in the [middle] midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of man…” Christ is in His church. Now if Christ is in you, and in me, and in all the brethren, all the brethren consist of the church. And the church is a spiritual organization. It is not a corporate organization. Any corporate organization only has to do with conducting business in this world. And so He is in the midst of His church. Then it shows His great glorified - how Christ is, with the countenance shining as the sun in full strength.
And when John saw this, he says here in verse 17: “And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as if dead; but He laid His right hand upon me, saying to me, ‘Do not be afraid...’,” And this is what we need to also understand: do not be afraid. If there are things we need to change, we’ll change. If there are things we need to repent of, we can repent of those, because that’s the whole story of the seven churches as recorded in chapter 2 and 3. “ ‘…Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last, even the one Who is living; for I was dead, and behold, I am alive into the ages of eternity. Amen. And I have the keys of the grave and of death.’ ” Now let’s understand one thing. Like the apostle Paul said very clearly, if Christ is not raised, then there is no resurrection of the dead; and if there is no resurrection of the dead, we have no hope. But here is the message from Christ. These of the words of God: He has the keys of the grave and death.
Now notice verse 19. God wants us to know. This is why it was written: “ ‘Write the things that you saw [everything up through verse 18 to this point], and the things that are [that’s the seven churches which exist, the state of the church at that particular time], and the things that shall take place hereafter.’ ” Because this comes from the time of John - yes, even reaching back to the beginning of the church in 30 A.D. on Pentecost, and goes clear to the return of Christ on into the millennium, and on into New Jerusalem, and on into the first stages of the ages of eternity. So this is a fantastic book. And it starts with churches. Now let’s ask the question - we all get interested in news, don’t we? And we all like to see what’s going on in the world, right? We like to see, are the prophecies being fulfilled? Well the answer is yes, they’re all being fulfilled exactly the way that God wants them fulfilled. Now stop and think for a minute. Since God gave prophecies concerning all the major events in the world, do you not think that He would also give a prophecy of His church? Yes. That’s what He’s done in Revelation 2 and 3.
Now verse 20, “ ‘The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, is this: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches; and the seven lampstands that you saw are the seven churches’ ” (Revelation 1:8-12, 17-20, FV). Now let’s see the message to them. This is written to us. These are the sayings of Christ so that we might know what to do in any circumstances that we are confronted with in our Christian life, as individuals, in our community, as it were, in our congregations and fellowship when we get together. And what we will see is this: is that God through Christ lays out all the things that we need to be aware of and what’s going to happen with His church.
Now just like - and we will see there’s a parallel here; we will see many, many, many of the things that happened to the church as it goes down in time in history, were also the same things that happened to Israel as they walked in the wilderness for the 40 years. Now let’s begin in Revelation 2:1, “ ‘To the angel of the Ephesian church, write...’ ” Now let’s understand something. When God has it written, and God has it preserved, and He has it for us today, then we better pay very deep, serious concern about it, and understand that these are the living words of God given to us. So when we ask the question, "What would Jesus say to His church today?” Right here we have it. This is the message for us.
“ ‘…These things says He Who holds the seven stars in His right hand [and to do His work; that’s why it’s in the right hand], Who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.’ ” Christ is right there, just like we read, He is walking in us, and we are walking in His way. And we are to let the light of Christ lead us. Now notice, He knows everything about us, doesn’t He? He says, “ ‘I know your works, and your labor, and your endurance, and you cannot bear those who are evil; and that you did test those who proclaim themselves to be apostles, but are not, and did find them liars…’ ” Now this is why there are so many warnings in there: “Beware of false prophets; beware that you’re not deceived. Test those. Prove all things.” This is what they were doing. And this is what we have to do in everything that we do. And this is how, then, we let ourselves be led by the Spirit of God; and how also that the Word of God and the Spirit of God then corrects us, encourages us, uplifts us, leads us in the things that we need to do; convicts us of the shortcomings and problems that we encounter, and also encourages us. As it says in verse 3, “ ‘…And that you have borne much and have endured, and for My name’s sake have labored and have not grown weary…’ ” So that’s the important thing to do - never grow weary.
“ ‘Nevertheless…’ ” So here comes a little correction. As we will see, God has correction for His church in every sense. “ ‘Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love’ ” (Revelation 2:1-4, FV). And this is what happens in any organization. They start out with zeal. They start out with love. They start out with dedication, and then everything gets kind of “socialized” as with people. And when you leave the first love, what is happening you’re letting the world come in. You’re letting others come in. And even though you may be fighting off false doctrine, as it says here, that they “tried them who were apostles and were not, and tested them,” that means you test the message. You listen to what they have to say.
And I’ll just mention this now, but I also am going to mention it again, but one of the doctrines that is coming to test the church today, which a lot of people are failing, is this: the false doctrine that Jesus did not exist as God before He came in the flesh; and that He did not exist until He was begotten in the womb of the virgin Mary. Now you already have the letter that I wrote on it. You already have the series that we have done on it. But how does that come about? Right here. Let’s come back here to Mark 12 and let’s see what it was where it says they lost their first love. Now a lot of people refer to this as the first love that people have when they’re first called and understand the truth and understand the way of God. That is true to a certain extent. But that’s not what it’s talking about, because the Greek back there for “first” comes from the word protos, which also means “primary.”
Now let’s come here to Mark 12:28. And this is what we need to keep always right in the forefront of our minds. “And one of the scribes who had come up to Him, after hearing them reasoning together and perceiving that He answered them well, asked Him [that is, asked Jesus], ‘Which is the first commandment of all?’ ” The primary commandment. What’s the most important thing? And once you understand this and realize this, it will bring everything else together. “ ‘…“Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…” ’ ” Now I want you to notice the effort that is put into it, the effort that is required.
Now the reason that this is important is this: is because eternal life, to live forever, is a tremendous and wonderful thing. And view it this way: everything that we’re doing right now is preparing and getting ready for the event that tomorrow pictures, the Resurrection; and getting ready to live eternally, and getting ready to know how to rule and reign with Christ, and preparing us to complete what God has given us to do. So, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart,” not part-time. Don’t let your heart be divided, your mind be divided. Because it says there in James 1 that if you are divided in heart and mind, then you are double-minded and you are unstable. Maybe that will explain a lot of difficulties that people have. You judge yourself in that yourself. “ ‘ “…And with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” ’ ” So our calling is an all-out effort on our part. And then God gives His all-out effort to us.
Let me ask you a question: did not Jesus Christ give an all out effort when He was here in the flesh? Did He not give His all to save His creation, and to save you individually? Yes He did. That’s why we need to understand what it’s talking about there in losing the first love. “ ‘…This is the first commandment.’ ” So the primary love is loving God. And the primary commandment is to love God. “ ‘…And the second is like this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these’ ” (Mark 12:28-31, FV). And then Jesus also said of us that we are to love one another as Jesus loved us.
Now if you are loving God with all your heart and mind and soul and being – let’s just answer some other questions here as we are going along - would you get wrapped up in doctrines and teachings of men? No. If you are proving everything like they did back here in the church at Ephesus, are you really seeking the truth? There’s a difference between seeking the truth of God, walking in the truth, being sanctified of the truth, living by the truth, and seeking a position. Not a position of power, but a religious position which is not connected with God. So that’s why we have to prove all these things.
Now let’s come back here to Revelation 2 again, and let’s continue in verse 5 (FV). Now this is what we are to do. And this is what God wants us to do as we are walking the walk. We’ll also need to be “talking the talk” if we could put it that way, that which is right. “ ‘Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the first works...’ ” That’s what we need to do.
I was talking to a man here the other day and we were talking about the condition of the church and how many people have fallen into this position, which is similar to Laodiceanism, but not exactly the same thing. And how many people are out there kind of treading water. Now have you have ever tread water out in the ocean? You can tread water and you think you’re keeping yourself afloat, and granted you’re not sinking; but you can tread water, but there is one thing with treading water - you don’t have your feet on the ground. And when you’re treading water and the currents are coming, it’s moving you along and it’s moving you maybe in a direction that you really don’t want to go, and you’re not aware of it. And then all the sudden, just like a wave comes upon the land - if you’re treading water, just like this, it’s going to catch up with you. So we have this. He says repent and do the first works. Go back and do the things that you know that you need to do and recapture that first love.
Part 2
Now let’s continue on and learn some more things that we need to understand out of this. He calls them to repent. And He says, “Unless you repent I’m going to remove your lamp stand.” Now let’s look at this in several different ways. Number one, God corrects His own church. Number two, God corrects each one of us individually, and He expects us to repent. Now if there is not repentance then He says he’s going to remove you. Let’s look at Number one. Did God remove a church before our very eyes? Yes He did. Has God removed false brethren, false ministers, false teachers? Yes, because they did not repent. They lost their first love. They quit loving God with all their heart and mind and soul and being, and got wrapped up in themselves, and their own doctrines, and their own positions, and their own religiosity, you see. And that’s cause for removal. But He did have one thing, that they hated the works of the Nicolaitans. And the Nicolaitans are those who have a rigid hierarchy and lorded over the brethren. And the Nicolaitans are also those who have a false grace, as we’ll see here in just a little bit.
Now here in verse 7, “ ‘The one who has an ear, let him hear with the Spirit says to the churches…’ ” (Revelation 2:7, FV). Very important. God’s Spirit is in you. Christ directs the Spirit. It is to lead you and it is to bring you to repentance. And that’s all a part of our Christian walk. Because we are in the process of being perfected, step by step, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. That’s why we are always to walk in faith, believe in hope, and live in love. And that’s how we are to conduct our lives.
Now let’s go on. Because even in the world today we have those who are dying for Christ. Even within the churches of God there are those in very treacherous and evil places in the world that have suffered death because of those who follow Satan the devil. Now let’s read it here, the church of the Smyrneans: “ ‘…These things says the First and the Last, Who was dead but is alive. I know your works and tribulation and poverty (but you are rich)…’ ” And when you come to the Laodiceans, because they have an abundance of physical things, that they think they are rich, that they are spiritually right before God. But God looks at it the other way. Remember this: God looks at it with other eyes. So they are rich even though they’re suffering tribulation.
“ ‘…And the blasphemy of those who declare themselves to be Jews and are not, but are [of] a synagogue of Satan.’ ” A very interesting way to put it, isn’t it? A synagogue of Satan. Let’s talk about another synagogue of Satan - radical Muslimism. And they are the ones who are killing brethren. There have been some who have been associated with the churches of God in Africa who have been killed by Muslims. So this is a living part of the church today. And yes, these brethren may not have the understanding of doctrine, may not realize all the things that we do or understand the depths of the plan of God, but they believe Christ. They are willing to die for His name. They are willing to stand up and be counted. And so God says to them, don’t fear any of the things that you’re about to suffer: “ ‘…Behold the devil is about to cast some of you to prison that you may be tried, and you shall have tribulation ten days. But be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life’ ” (Revelation 2:9-10, FV).
Now let’s look at the other situation too. What did Jesus say at the end? “He who endures to the end, the same shall be saved.” And what we see all the way through here with the churches of God is the lack of true spiritual endurance and consistency. So those who die, they are going to receive a crown of life. And God looks at them with far greater love and favor than those who may have more truth, those who may understand more doctrine but treat it with disdain and contempt, familiarity, and end up treading water in their spiritual lives, and that God has to correct them. You see, here with the church at Smyrna, those who go through and suffer these things, they don’t have any correction that Christ has to give them because their hearts are right with Him.
Now let’s come to the next two churches, or perhaps the most infiltrated with satanic doctrine. Because Satan wants to bring in satanic doctrine into the church. Because he knows if he can get you to move away from the truth just a little bit, just like a ship that is off one degree, it’s going to miss the port at the other end. Or if you’re sending a satellite up into orbit, if you are off just a little bit it’s not going into orbit. Now let’s read here in Revelation 2:12, “ ‘And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write: These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword…’ ” Which we find in the book of Hebrews, that’s the word of God - sharper than any two-edged sword, and cuts asunder to the dividing of the soul and spirit and joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, paraphrased), the word of God. Christ, Who is called the Word of God and the Spirit of God. So He wants them to understand, there is correction coming.
He says, “ ‘I know your works and where you dwell, where the throne of Satan is; but you are holding fast My name, and did not deny My faith, even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.’ ” Now let me tell you something, when you get in the middle of where Satan is, and Satan is deceiving this whole world, and he’s got his ways of doing things. He has a counterfeit Christianity. He has his counterfeit way of doing things. And with all the pressures coming upon people and these things, it’s awfully hard to resist those things. “ ‘But I have a few things against you because you have there those who hold the teachings of Balaam…’ ” (Revelation 2:12-14, FV).
Now what is the teaching of Balaam? The teaching of Balaam is this: “Let’s amalgamate the religions together.” Let’s take the best of this, and the best of that, and the best of the other thing. And isn’t that what the Catholic Church did, and is this not really the brethren who repented in Pergamos, then they left what later became the Catholic Church because the doctrine of Balaam is that. “ ‘…Who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication.’ ” Both physically and spiritually, and to sacrifice unto idols. Now if you want to know any one thing that the Bible teaches, which is this: “You shall have no other gods before Me, and don’t make any idol or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or the water under the earth; and don’t bow down yourself to worship them.” And if there’s any one thing that is pounded through the whole Bible, that is it. But today people have different idols. They have idols of their minds. They have idols of their doctrines. They have idols of their way of life. They have idols of the things about them that their hands have made. And so that’s all part of it.
“ ‘…Moreover, you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.’ ” Now when it comes to doing things which God hates - and the church is guilty of it - know that correction is going to come. Just like when the children of Israel were on their way in coming to Mount Sinai to meet God. Did He not have to correct them? Did He not have to teach them? Did He not have to, in a sense, punish them? Yes indeed. Notice what He says here in verse 16: “Repent!...” And that’s what God wants us to do all the time. Repentance doesn’t happen just at the time before you’re baptized, but repentance happens daily. Because as we’re overcoming sin, as we’re overcoming carnal nature, as we overcome the things of this world we need to repent. We need to have our minds cleansed. We need to have our hearts purified. “ ‘…For if you do not repent, I will come to you quickly and will make war against them with the sword of My mouth’ ” (Revelation 2:14-16, FV).
Now just stop and think for a minute. Is it not a sad situation indeed that Jesus has to fight against His own church? Think on that for a minute. Look back at what happened to ancient Israel. Did not God have to fight against His own people because of what they did? Yes indeed. So there needs to be some repentance among the churches of God. There are too many people out there with their own ideas. And one of the big idols that is out there today is various calendars schemes. Because they do not count God worthy of understanding the universe. And they have to have their own calendar schemes.
Now if you are caught up in some of that, I suggest to you do exactly like here, repent. And we’ve got a stack of material that shows without a doubt that God gave the calculated Hebrew calendar so that we would all be able to keep the feasts on the right day that He has appointed. Because when we have our own calendar schemes, what do we end up doing? We appoint days that God didn’t appoint. And yet many of those who have that are staunchly for the Sabbath and the holy days and against Sunday. But if you establish your own holy days contrary to the way that God has given it, what are you doing? It’s the same thing as establishing Sunday, right? Yes indeed. But God says, “Repent!”
Now let’s come down here to Thyatira. Thyatira really got carried away. And as you look at the state of some of the churches of God today you understand how that can happen. Because as we learned with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a little leaven leavens whole lump; and if you let it grow, and grow, and grow, and grow, and grow, and grow, and you don’t understand the magnitude of the problems and difficulties until it gets out of hand. Just look at the immigration problem in all the nations of the ten tribes of Israel today. It is out of hand.
And that’s what happened to the church at Thyatira, though they started out well. Let’s read it: “ ‘And to the angel of the church in Thyatira, write: These things says the Son of God, He Who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like a fine brass. I know your works, and love, and service, and faith, and your endurance [so they were doing well], and your works; and the last are more than the first [so some of them repent]. But I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants into committing fornication and eating thing sacrificed to idols’ ” (Revelation 2:18-20, FV). And that’s exactly what happens when you have your own Passover, you have your own Unleavened Bread - just one step away from this kind of idolatry.
But look what happened here. Jezebel was the daughter of the high priest of Baal. And Jezebel married Ahab, and Ahab led the children of Israel into sin. And it even caused problems for Elijah. So God means what He says. Now if you are out there with the world, living like the world, being like the world, acting like the world, then you are spiritually fornicating with the world. Now juxtaposition that with this: how much do you study? How much do you pray? How much do you really believe God?
Now verse 21, “ ‘And I gave her time to repent of her fornication...’ ” God gives us all space and time to repent. That’s why He doesn’t come down upon us until He sees what we’re going to choose and do. He sends little warnings. He sends thoughts in our minds. He sends situations to bring us up short, to alert us as to what is taking place. And sometimes we react to them right away, other times we kind of let them linger. And then the problem gets more, and more, and more, and then finally Christ has to do what He does here, in a way, He brings us up short and helps us to understand where we have been going wrong. That’s why He said here, “ ‘And I gave her time to repent of her fornication, but she did not repent.’ ” So if there’s not repentance, what comes next? “ ‘Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their works’ ” (Revelation 2:21-22, FV).
Now let’s understand this. Let’s come back here to Psalm 86 again. Let’s understand something about God that we really need to realize. And if you have things in your life that you know you need to repent of, then remember this: God is waiting for you to repent. And God will receive you when you repent. Now Psalm 86:1, “Bow down Thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy [now that’s repentance]. Preserve my soul; for I am holy…” And every one that God calls and every one that has the Holy Spirit is holy. “…O Thou my God, save Thy servant that trusteth in Thee.” So now you’ve got to reestablish that trust with God, and here’s how you do it. “Be merciful unto me, O LORD: for I cry and to thee daily.” Get right back with God. “Rejoice the soul of Thy servant: for unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. For Thou, LORD, art good, and ready to forgive…”
So the problem is never with God. That’s why there are no conditions on God. Where there are conditions it is, “if you – “ then “God will - .” So if you repent, then God will forgive. But that repentance has to be from the heart, and it has to be, as we covered at the first, reestablishing the true love. “For Thou, LORD, art good, and ready to forgive, plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee. Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me” (Psalm 86:1-7, KJV). And so that’s the appeal that was made here by Christ to the church at Thyatira: “Don’t be taken down by any of these things.”
Let’s think about it for a minute too. Let’s equate all of these things together that we see happening in the churches of God concerning their attitude toward God, concerning their attitude toward doctrine, concerning their health - spiritually and physically - concerning the world that we are living in, and all of that, God weighs all of those factors together and we need to really draw close to God and realize that He is there to help us if we repent.
Now let’s come back here to Revelation 2:23 - repent of their works. And if they don’t, He says, “ ‘And I will kill her children…’ ” In other words, whatever you are going to do, if you don’t repent and are not right with God, it is going to come to nothing. “ ‘And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am He Who searches the reins and [the] hearts [because Christ is in us all the time]; and I will give to each of you according to your works.’ ” Now how far can a person go and still recover themselves? God alone makes that decision. But look at the next verse here: “ ‘But to you I say, and to the rest who are in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will not cast upon you any other burden. But hold fast what you have until I come.’ ” And then all the way through to every one of the churches - let’s read it right here in verse 29: “ ‘The one who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’ ” (Revelation 2:23-25, 29, FV).
Do you have an ear to hear? How is your walk with God? How are you steadfast with God? Because God is going to bring you to Mount Zion in heaven above, as we will see, and the day of the Resurrection is going to happen. And Christ wants you ready. Christ wants you prepared. That’s what this is all about.
Then we have the ones who are the absolute - how shall we say - perhaps even the worst church of all, the church at Sardis, that they have a name that they live, but they are dead. Now notice the warning that He gives them here. He says in Revelation 3:2, “ ‘Be watchful, and strengthen the things that remain [whatever little bit is remaining, strengthen it], which are about to die. For I have not found your works complete before God.’ ” Now there are spiritual works we are to do, and God wants us to do them, and they need to be complete. “ ‘Therefore, remember what you have received and heard, and hold on to this, and repent [again, repentance]. Now then, if you will not watch…’ ” And Jesus tells us to watch: watch ourselves, watch the world, “ ‘…I will come upon you as a thief…’ ” Because God will always visit for the sins. This is not talking about His second return here. This is talking about Jesus dealing with each one of us. “ ‘…And you shall by no means know what hour I will come upon you.’ ”
And isn’t that the way it always is? When you least expect it and are least prepared, because you have come into a state of near deadness. Then Christ is going to come upon you. Now, a little encouragement here, “ ‘You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with Me in white because they are worthy. The one who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments; and I will not block his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.’ ”
Now let’s understand something here, very important to realize: our names written in the book of life are there and will remain there so that at the resurrection we will be raised from the dead. But let’s also understand this, if we allow ourselves to get into these kinds of spiritual conditions, it can be erased. And as God told Moses, “I will blot out whom I will blot out” (Exodus 32:33, KJV paraphrased). So that’s quite a warning isn’t it? Notice verse 6, “ ‘The one who has an ear, let him hear with the Spirit says to the churches’ ” (Revelation 3:2-6, FV). Then it talks about the Philadelphians. We’ll be there in a little bit. We’ll end up with that one. But let’s come over here to the Laodiceans. Now you’ve heard this many, many times over. So let’s go to the message to the Laodiceans that we find in the book of Colossians, Colossians 2. Because this is important for us to understand and realize. Not only was this written to the Colossians, but he also gave instructions then when it was done being read to the Colossians that it was to also be read in the church of Laodicea.
Now let’s notice the focus here, especially in Colossians 2. Because this also has to do with what we are confronted with today, with all of the Satanic spiritism that is out there. And what we need to understand is this: this world is absolutely going to go after Satan the devil and all of these teachings. Now just the other night I was channel surfing, because there’s hardly anything to watch; and I got on the National Geographic channel. And guess what they were showing? Witchcraft, séances, appealing to demons and devils, and even using the name of Jesus with it. Now that’s one of the great problems with the Laodiceans. They get involved in philosophy. And philosophy then changes the nature of God, which then is why there are people who are involved in this “one God only in number” false doctrine, and saying that Jesus was not God before He became a human being. And Paul is dealing with that here in Colossians 2.
Now let’s begin right here in Colossians 2:1, “Now I want you to understand what great concern I have for you, and for those in Laodicea…” Now remember, these are the inspired words of God. God has concern for all of His brethren, “…as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love…” Now notice how this ties in with the message to all the churches: “…knit together in love unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding…” Not physical goods and physical riches. To the riches of the full assurance of understanding that you know God, that you know Jesus Christ, that you know the word of God, that you know how to live your life before God the way He wants you to. “…Unto the knowledge of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ…” He wants us to know the great, fantastic things that He has for us. “In Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” You’re not going to gain any knowledge from the philosophies of this world. They come from men who profess themselves to be wise, but have become fools. And they believe when you believe in “only one God in number,” you’re talking about a god who is the transcendent god, who has no form, no shape, no being. And that’s the philosophical god of all the pagans. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
“Now this I say so that no one may deceive you by persuasive speech.” Just because a person presents an argument, remember this: not all logic is true. But all truth is logical. “For though I am indeed absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. Therefore [here comes the warning], as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord [as you find in the Scriptures], be walking in Him...” Now put together all these other scriptures that we have seen here, “...being rooted and built up in Him, and being confirmed in the faith, exactly as you were taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:1-7, FV).
Now let’s come to I John 2 and let’s see “be walking in Him.” How does it tell us we’re to be walking in Him? Let’s see it. Very basic, in verse 3, “And by this standard we know that we know Him: if we keep His commandments. The one who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in Him.” Now stop and think about this for a minute. Is it not then foolish for the people and ministers in the churches of God to go to Sunday-keeping churches, whose ministers are liars, and ask, “How do you understand the Scriptures?” Just think on that for a minute. “On the other hand, if anyone is keeping His word, truly in this one the love of God is being perfected...” And that’s what God wants in our lives, that the love of God be perfected. That’s why we’re here. That’s why we’re doing what we’re doing, so that we can do - as we go back to the very first message that was given to the church at Ephesus - that we don’t lose our first love, that it is being perfected. And if it is, he says, “By this means we know we are in Him.” And also that means we know that He is in us.
Now verse 6 is the key: “Anyone who claims to dwell in Him is obligating himself also to walk even as He Himself has walked” (I John 2:3-6, FV). Isn’t that something. That’s how we’re to do it. That’s how we’re to live God’s ways. And that’s why where we started out that John was pleased when he heard that they were walking in the truth.
So what Paul is writing about here back in Colossians 2:6 - now let’s go back there – “Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord [and that means the whole Bible together], be walking in Him;[now notice] being rooted and built up…” So you have roots that go down for stability, and you are being built up - your faith and love is being perfected. “…Built up in Him, and being confirmed in the faith, exactly as you were taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” Verse 8, a very key one, “Be on guard so that no one takes you captive through philosophy and vain deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:6-8, FV).
Very important. Look at all of these different doctrinal proposals that come along, and what you see? They are all designed and presented with persuasive speech. They’re all designed to lead you just a little away from Christ, and a little more, and a little more, and a little more. Satan knows that he can’t get those who have the Holy Spirit of God to reject it instantly. So he comes along with a program, a step by step, by step, by step, by step to get rid of it. And that’s how he does it. That’s how he accomplishes it.
Now let’s come back here to Revelation 3 and let’s talk a little bit more about Laodiceanism. So if that’s the problem - which it is; and was it not philosophy brought by a Greek native professor, doctor of philosophy, which set the stage to take down one of the largest churches of God in the history of the churches of God? Yes indeed. Because philosophy changes the nature of God. And if you believe that Jesus did not exist until He was conceived, you are changing the nature of God. Now what happens when you get into that state? Let’s pick it up here. It says they’re neither hot or cold, lukewarm, be spewed out of His mouth. Now verse 17, “ ‘For you say, “I am rich and have become wealthy”…’ ” Now notice this. This is the only church that talks back to God. None of the others do. “God, how can You accuse me of this? Look all these blessings that we have.” No, “ ‘ “…And have become wealthy, and have need of nothing;” and you do not understand that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.’ ” How are you clothed spiritually? So He says He doesn’t want you to be naked. So He gives us counsel. And this is what we need to do, brethren, “ ‘…to buy from Me gold purified by fire so that you may be rich [the true riches, like those in Smyrna had], and white garments so that you may be clothed, and the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and to anoint your eyes with eye salve so that you may see.’ ”
Now let’s understand this. In all of this, though it is pointing out the errors and the problems and the difficulties, this is not a matter of condemnation to put people down. This is a matter of an urgent message to wake people up, from the point of view that God is dealing with us. He says, “ ‘As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore, be zealous and repent’ ” (Revelation 3:17-19, FV). And when we have that repentance, how are we to implement it? Let’s come over here and look at the church at Philadelphia, which then is the key model. Everyone wants to be a Philadelphian. Not everyone can. But nevertheless, when we repent of these things, whether Laodiceans, or Sardisites, or Thyatira, or Pergamos, or Ephesus, whichever attitude we are in, which ever church in the world that there is today that we are in, we can look at this as the model on how we need to behave ourselves and how we need to react to God.
He says here in Revelation 3:8, “ ‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, and no one has the power to shut it because you have a little strength [God is holding it open], and have kept My word…’ ” There it is, as we read back there in the beginning, Deuteronomy 8, which is also in Matthew 4 and Luke 4, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” “ ‘…You have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’” When you bring in all of these false doctrines and things that we have covered, you’re denying the name of Christ. “‘Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan…’ ” Which He’s telling us here, do not worry about the world. Do not worry about the conspiracies that are out there, which are out there, which are all of Satan who is deceive the world. God is going to turn the tables on them. “ ‘…Who proclaim themselves to be Jews and are not, but do lie - behold, I will cause them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.’ ”
Now think about that for a minute. That’s what God is going to do to the rich and the great of this world. They’re going to come and humble themselves before the feet of the resurrected children of God and acknowledge that we are of God, and that they were of Satan. Now notice, here is a blessing and a promise which Christ has given: “ ‘Because you have kept the word of My patience [so God recognizes and understands what you do], I will also keep you from the time of temptation which is about to come upon the whole world to try those who dwell on the earth.’ ” A great worldwide event which is coming, which is the antichrist, and the false prophet, and the mark of the beast, and all of these things at the end time are coming. He is going to keep us and protect us. Exactly how He will do that, God knows. So what we do is leave it in His hands to show us what to do. Trust in Him to watch over us.
He says, “ ‘Behold, I am coming quickly; hold fast that which you have so that no one may take away your crown.’” Don’t lose what you have had. Heed the warnings here. Repent of the things that are wrong. Hear, give ear to the Spirit. “‘The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who overcomes [which we can, and we’re victorious in Christ] will I make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall not go out anymore; and I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which will come down out of heaven from My God; and I will write upon him My new name. The one who has an ear, let him hear with the Spirit says to the churches’ ” (Revelation 3:8-13, FV).
So brethren, in our walk with God as we are coming closer, and closer, and closer to the end, as we are reaching that time when the kingdom of God is going to come on this earth, when we’re reaching the time when we’re going to graduate from this physical life and enter into the grave, and await the Resurrection, we need to heed the warnings and teachings of God and just ask God to be with His people, to forgive them, to heal them, to raise them up, and to help us all love God with all our hearts, and minds, and soul, and being.
Pentecost – Day 49 – 2006
Scriptural Reference
- Leviticus 23:9-11, 15-16, (KJV )
- Deuteronomy 2:7 (KJV)
- Leviticus 26:2,11-13, (KJV)
- Deuteronomy 8:1-3 (KJV)
- II John 4-6, (FV)
- II Corinthians 6:14-18, (FV)
- Psalm 86:11-17 (KJV )
- Psalm 119:1-3 (KJV )
- Psalm 138:1-2, 6-8 (KJV )
- Revelation 1:8-12, 17-20 (FV)
- Revelation 2:1-4 (FV)
- Mark 12:28-31 (FV)
- Revelation 2:5 (FV)
- Revelation 2:7 (FV)
- Revelation 2:8-9 (FV)
- Revelation 2:12-14 (FV)
- Hebrews 4:12 (KJV, paraphrased)
- Revelation 2:14-16 (FV)
- Revelation 2:18-20 (FV)
- Revelation 2:21-22 (FV)
- Psalm 86:1-7 (KJV )
- Revelation 2:23-25,29 (FV)
- Revelation 3:2-6 (FV)
- Exodus 32:33, KJV paraphrased).
- Colossians 2:1-7 (FV)
- I John 2:3-6 (FV)
- Colossians 2:6-8 (FV)
- Revelation 3:17-19 (FV)
- Revelation 3:8-13 (FV)