What is the Government of God Today?
= Video
= PDF Transcript / Audio Sermon
- "Church Wars"
- Call to Repentance and Resignation - Fred Coulter's 1979 resignation from WCG
- Haughtiness and Oppression
- Leadership Oppression in the Churches of God
- Preparing for the Future of CBCG - New
- Why Things Fall Apart with Bad Leaders
- What Is the Government of God? #1 - September 5, 2020
- What Is the Government of God? #2 - September 26, 2020
- Why God Hates Hierarchy - November 4, 1997
The Sleight of Hand—May 6, 1989
Is the Ministry the Government of God? Booklet available by request)
What is the Government of God in the Church?
Invisible Idol/Visible Man
Church at Home Video: What God Requires of Ministers
(NOTE: To store a message on your computer to listen to later, right-click on the DOWNLOAD link for each message, then choose "save link as" or "save target as" to load the file on your computer.