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Fred R. Coulter—September 7, 2024
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We're going to look at the coming famine of the Word. How is that going to be done? It's going to be really some thing that is going to be amazing, and they've been working on this for a long, long, long time.
How soon will it be before you need digital ID for medical services or to get into a store? I'm a member of Costco, and I have a Costco card. When I go in, they have a clerk standing there, and you show the card, and you go in. I've often thought about that with the things that are coming down the line. If you don't have the right thing, you don't get it.
So, I went to Costco the other day, and they had the little apparatus there. Instead of holding up my card for them to look at, I had to turn it over to the other side to read the barcode. So, I got in. But another step along the way.
Now then, let's look at some of the things that we have here, because we need to prepare for the coming famine of the Word. That's why you've heard me say how many times—and I'm going to say it over and over and over and over again—we don't know what lies in the future. We don't know how much control that there is going to be. But we can be absolutely sure it will be total!
They're not going to settle for anything less than total control. Now, Roger gave a good example of how God knows what we're going to do.
But He's given us free moral agency so we can choose what we do, what we don't do, and so forth. But when the coming world government comes around, and it's coming! They want to control everything that you do and know who you are. We need to prepare for it, and I'll tell you how!
Here's an interesting thing, and this is from:
Jordan Maxwell Blog—Aug. 22, 2011
The government do not want you to think too much
Jordan Maxwell: The bottom line is that the government is getting what they ordered. They do not want your children to be educated. They do not want you to think too much….
You watch television and it's:
- all emotion
- satanism
- gambling
- demonism
- self
- glorifying
and also all kinds of perverted and subtle sexual innuendos in every ad!
…That is why our country and our world has become so proliferated with entertainments, mass media, television shows, amusement parks, drugs… [legal and illegal] …alcohol, and every kind of entertainment to keep the human mind entertained so that you don't get in the way of important people by doing too much thinking….
That's what it is!
Now, nearly everyone in the world has been trained to have a 12-minute attention span. from the top of the hour to the first commercial.
Next time you watch the news, start at the top of the hour, you listen to the news, and wait until you get where they're ready for the first commercial. You are ready to do something else, because your attention span has been trained by television.
Now, we have the same thing in understanding the Word of God. People do not want the details, because they are skimmers. Have you ever seen a bird flying along the water and it has his beak in the water and it's skimming? That's the way most people are today! 'Don't bother me with the details.' Well, the details is what they get you on.
…You better wake up and understand that there are people who are guiding your life and you don't even know it.
It's all part of the coming world-government. Now, we'll just project ahead here. we'll get to it again a little later.
Amos 8:11[transcriber's correction]: "'Behold, the days come,' says the Lord GOD, 'that I will send a famine….of hearing the words of the LORD.'"
Now, someone sent me an e-mail—I haven't been able to check it out, so you check it out—that they put into 'AI': Who was Jesus Christ? It came back that Jesus Christ was a prophet.
Who does that please? Every Muslim in the world, because that's what they believe, which tells you 'AI' can do a lot of things, that's true. But 'AI' is going to be in total control. So, if someone has access to 'AI,' see if they have any more to say about Jesus Christ and see if it's there.
The people who do the input into the computers to develop the artificial intelligence, that is all:
- human thinking
- human reasoning
- satanic reasoning
All put together; very little about God! And if it's in there, it's only what they allow to be there rather than what is needed to have.
That's why I say, and I'm going to say again, you have better get hard copies called books.
- no one can turn it off
- the battery never runs down
- the pages never disappear
Which can all be done digitally if you live on total digital information. If you do, measure your time span of concentration.
China's 'AI' robotic military threat: they're working to do a lot of things. But what they want to do, they have advanced technology that is going to be mind-boggling, and we're going to have to face it.
Rev. 13—about the coming Beast Power. He has power over every tribe, nation and language on earth. So again, I'm going to tell you about getting the hard copies.
Article #1:
Advanced Technology and the Coming Global Empire by Britt Gillette, Aug. 27, 2024
A series of recent news stories have highlighted the massive advances made in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)…
That is this: They're following the Chinese model. The Chinese model has facial recognition. In the UK, they used it recently and arrested a number of people that were wanted by just scanning crowds of people.
The Chinese have perfected it because you have a racial setup that to us who are Caucasians, everyone who is Chinese looks the same, but they have it so they can tell it by facial feature through masses of people. They can pick up who you are and they will have by 'AI' what you have done, where you live, what you believe, what you have had to encounter with the government or not. Right there in an instantaneous flash of control! That's what this report tells you all about.
Article #2—Christians are being forced out of foster care adoption over Biblical values.
So there we go! This is why they will do anything to keep Donald Trump from becoming President. Because he's going to curtail their power; he's going to set them back. If there is a small reprieve, which there may be, we'll talk about that in a bit. It's still going to be a bloody mess after he's elected because how are you going to get rid of 15 million illegals?
The Democrats are doing everything they can to register them to vote. So, there is no way that anyone can ever, ever again bring up any Biblical values. Never again have a President say that 'I stand before you—after he was nearly assassinated—by the grace of Almighty God!
That doesn't mean Trump is converted because he's not. But:
- God deals with leaders
- God deals with kings
All of those are then adjusted by God to how the Church and we react and what we are doing to prepare.
And we have got to speak the Truth in everything because the Truth is the only thing that matters.
Article #3—God's Truth being Reframed by Democrats for Political Control
There are reports they've infiltrated every Christian church that they can to bring in acceptance of the alphabet sexual perverts.
- the Methodist Church is gone
- the Lutheran Church is on the way
- the Catholic Church is filled with pedophiles and homosexuals as priests
- Kamala Harris left 500 indictments brought against Catholic priests in California and she didn't lift a finger
It's very possible that Kamala Harris could win. It doesn't matter if she's the most dimwitted person that has ever been conceived, because the Democrats are not voting for president. They're voting for the machine behind the person who's the puppet, and she's the perfect puppet!
Now then, there are 62-millionwomen who get mad at me when I bring this up. But there are 62-million women who are absolute murderous criminals for abortion.
Roger just read it—message: How God Knows Us—'before you were formed I knew you.' What was that? At the instant of conception! So, God is involved in a whole lot more than a lot of people think. But they can they can take all of these things and bring in all of these satanic practices and abortion.
Let's look at one. I do this every once in a while when I want to bring out a point for those who don't know anything about the Bible and I ask: Is this true?
This also proves that the Word of God is always true at all times. The Word of God is not old; it's ancient but it's always new. God says, 'I'm the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending.'
So, whatever God says is the Word of God! Whatever God says is true!
Leviticus 19:29: "You shall not prostitute your daughter to cause her to be a whore…"
That's what is being taught along with homosexuality and every other perversion that Satan can bring in. Notice, He already tells us what the outcome of that is going to be.
"…lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness" (vs 29).
- Do we have that today?
- Do we not see on TV fulfilling a prophecy to the very doorstep of people?
Venezuelan gangs coming into an apartment complex to take it over with weapons. Oh but Kamala wants to have all these 'nice' people. They know what they're doing. They are instruments of God to take down this nation because of v 29 and all the abortion and all the things that are there.
That leads to Isa. 3 where women rule over the nation and children are their oppressors. That's not to put women down. But women think differently than men. Men think factually; women think by feelings. You talk to a woman, woman to woman, 'I feel! I feel! I feel!' Men say, 'I think.' Deception comes by emotion quicker than by thought of mind in facts.
If it feels good, looks good and it sounds good, they'll take it. Isn't that what happened with Eve in Gen. 3? But women are the greatest creation of God to reproduce human beings! And that's an amazing thing!
But no, we've got to do what Satan wants so we'll kill them. The Democrats had 'abortion vans' right out front of their arena where they were holding their convention. And they actually performed at least eight to twelve abortions during the Democrat convention.
- What about all of those in Planned Parenthood?
- What about all of the scientists who get all the body parts?
That, brethren, is the Damocles Sword or the vast guillotine hanging over America that is ready to fall! When it does, the incident you saw on television in Colorado will be child's play.
So, what I want you to do is this: All of you on the mailing list are going to be receiving a new book here pretty quickly with a CD to go with it. Let me remind you before there are no more CD players or DVD players allowed, and they don't have CD players in new cars anymore.
- you better buy one
- you better keep it
- you better use it
- you better get the things that we have
- you better get the hard copies
Because the day may come when, what you're watching right now won't be there. What are you going to do? Like the young man that I know, he broke his phone and his life was ruined. He hadn't memorized any phone calls, phone numbers, so he didn't know who to call. If your smart-phone is the whole of you when it's gone or cut off you have nothing left!
Who would ever think that it would come to this? Imagine if you resurrected William Tyndale, who first translated the entire Bible—Hebrew and Greek—into English. If you resurrected him now and said that they can take all the Bibles away.
They can't take books away, they have to come into your house and confiscate them and burn them. That's the only way. Now, you're going to get a new book: The True Riches of God. This is really a wonderful book and helping you draw close to God and understanding what God has for you.
So if you are on the mailing list, you will get this automatically. If you're not on the mailing list, then you have to send an e-mail to us and we will send you the book. We will put it up online a little later.
I want everyone to get a copy of this book and the CD that goes with it because it's very needed in the time that we're going through now. So, you can stay inspired with it.
Same way with the Bible. You get the physical Bible. Same way with all the books that we have. In December we're going to mail out a catalog of everything we have. While we have the time, you set yourself up on a schedule to order three or four things at a time so you can have all the hard copy.
We also have three In-Depth studies on Grace, with CDs:
- Grace of God
- God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping
- Grace Upon Grace
Now, let me tell you something here that's very important for you to know. There are a lot of Herbert Armstrong worshippers out there. Let me tell you, you're going down the wrong trail, because Herbert Armstrong did good as long as his wife was alive. I was personally ordained by him in 1965 on the last day of Unleavened Bread in Portland, Oregon.
So I'm not against Herbert Armstrong, but we are to speak the Truth—right or wrong, good or evil—so that people know. I can tell you emphatically, Herbert Armstrong never understood the love of God or the grace of God.
That's why the Church was ruled from the top down. Instead of having a church where all the members are taught:
- to grow in grace and knowledge
- to study
- to pray
- to live their lives the way that God wants them to live
- to make right choices
What did Jesus say? Matt. 20—what Jesus said to all the apostles back then. I can verify to you and those that I know, they can also verify that the Church became authoritative from the top down. If a minister said it, you better do it! You couldn't do a thing without counseling with a minister. They ruled over the brethren. In some cases, there's still too much that going on today.
Now, here's a little inside track, a little politics. That's also another thing that took down Worldwide Church of God (WCG). Brethren, you need to realize something; taking down WCG was a big deal! Three campuses, three colleges, and the headquarters in Pasadena gone by the hand of God, because they didn't listen!
Herbert Armstrong preached false gospels when he was overseas. I'm going to get those videos—3 parts: Herbert W. Armstrong—In His Own Words! {}
I tell every Herbert Armstrong worshiper: Worship God! Believe your Bible! What Herbert did good, was good! What he did that was evil destroyed the Church; Along with his profligate son: Garner Ted.
Norbert Bohnert gave a very good sermon last night about forgetting the past. {GTM message: Are We Willing to Let Go?}
Well, that's true, but if you don't learn the lessons of the Bible, you're going to be a failure! If you don't learn the lessons of the past, you can't forget it.
Matthew 20:20: "Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Him with her sons, worshiping Him and asking a certain thing from Him."
Verse 21: "And He said to her, 'What do you desire?' She said to Him, 'Grant that these my two sons may sit one at Your right hand and one at Your left hand in Your Kingdom.'"
He didn't say, 'Now you're a lovely woman thinking of your sons.' No, because that was lust on her part and lust on James and John's part and a little cowardly on James and John part to have mama come and interfere for them. What did Jesus say?
Verse 22: "But Jesus answered and said, 'You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?'…. [that is baptized in His own blood for the sins of the world] …They said to Him, 'We are able.'" Be careful what you say!
Verse 23: "And He said to them, 'You shall indeed drink of My cup, and shall be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit at My right hand and at My left hand is not Mine to give, but shall be given to those for whom it has been prepared by My Father.'"
We need to remember that! Then He went on. Here is the lesson for all ministers. Some of the Churches of God out there today have never learned this lesson. Some of them are at the point in some of these things that truth is error and error is truth.
If you stand for the Truth and you go against the hierarchy—which God expects you to do—you will be despised by the hierarchy. You will be despised by those in charge. They will make all of the members despise you, and we know what that is like, because we experienced it.
When you get down to the point, and this is a point that we all need to come in our lives, that it is only you and God, and there is nothing else left.
You cry out to God: 'God save my soul!' I know what that is like; I have been there! I still suffer some of these things today. But that is neither here nor there. The Truth of God is what is right!
So, here is what Jesus said to them about how to conduct themselves as apostles.
Verse 24: "And after hearing this, the ten were indignant against the two brothers."
Now we had a fight among all twelve. 'Oh they got to Him first. I was going to get there first.' Remember what happened when Peter said. 'Oh Lord, I will give my life for you.' Jesus said, 'Listen, the cock is not going to crow twice until you deny me three times this night.'
Verse 25: "But Jesus called them to Him and said, 'You know that the rulers of the nations exercise lordship over them… [the greatest exercise of lordship is coming with the beast] …and the great ones exercise authority over them'"
So, you've got lordship downward from the government. That's what you're having with all of this developing now for the coming world-government. The religious leaders are also deceived that they are going to endorse the false prophet who is going to show miracles even calling fire down from heaven that everyone is going to say 'this is from God.' They will never know it's from Satan!
But there are those people out there who won't bow down and worship them; kill them! That's what's going to happen to us.
Verse 26: "However, it shall not be this way among you; but whoever would become great among you, let him be your servant."
The Greek there is 'doulos'—that is slave! All the elders are:
- to serve
- to teach
- to uplift
- to use the Word of God
- to inspire
- to help
- to counsel
- to further all of us together growing in grace and knowledge
Because that's what God has called us to do!
That's what it needs to be. I can tell you this: the elders that we have in Christian Biblical Church of God have learned this. This is one of the things that they have learned!
Verse 27: "And whoever would be first among you, let him be your slave; just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many" (vs 27-28).
That's why you need these things on the grace of God; you need that. Then after we get done with that we're going to do the same thing with The Love of God. Those two series' you need with the CDs (audio) and you need the hard copy.
I can tell you the reason you need the hard copy. It will always be there. Now I'm going to read to you something that I spoke 36 years ago concerning the Sabbath. And this might be a good thing for everybody to understand when you're confronting the Sunday-keeper.
Grace actually means in the Old Testament favor or kindness, graciousness, pleasant, precious, well favored, to bend or to stoop in kindness to an inferior… [in position or level of that case and so forth] to God.
So, God is stooping and bending down to us! He's calling us!
If God is gracious, which He is, then what does His grace reflect, or graciousness and goodness? We know that God is Love, so then grace is a quality of love!
The love is shown in the things that God does. Go through the first chapter of Genesis and everything that is there is totally positive.
God made the earth, created everything that there is, all the animals and so forth. He said 'to be fruitful and multiply.' Now then here concerning the Sabbath…
The reason that I'm reading this is because when I have everything updated or anything I mentioned on Caravan to Midnight I always go over it to make sure what it is that what I'm sending out.
We're sending out the Grace Series on the Caravan Special #3. Listen to this:
The next thing He did—Genesis 2—was a very gracious thing. A day which we can now say is a day of grace.
Now think of that!
This gives us ammunition against the Sunday-keepers who say that they keep Sunday by grace. NO! They miss the day of grace, which is the Sabbath! Why is the Sabbath a day of grace? Because God fellowships with us! He set aside this day to be with us and we with Him! So, the Sabbath is a day of grace!
I read that and I thought when did I speak this. Well, it was back in 1988, before computers were invented to do what they do.
A day of grace because it is the day that God shows this gives this gives us a little insight into Sabbath-keeping or Sunday-keeping.
If you do what God says by His dictate by His command then you're setting then you're acting in response to what God has done.
So therefore that is a gracious act of God to give us these things creating the Sabbath blessing it sanctifying it establishing it as a day of contact between his creation and Himself and that is a very gracious thing.
So what was the first Sabbath like? God & Adam and Eve! No Jewish hand washing. God talking with Adam and Eve; Just created. A fantastic creation. They have their minds:
- they can see
- they can hear
- they can listen
- they can talk
How long were they in the Garden of Eden with God before Satan was allowed to come in? We don't know!
But we can say this: God gave them plenty of time because He doesn't want it to be that we don't know what we're doing. They knew what they were doing!
Now let's bring it up to date. Amos was a shepherd. God told him you go speak these words to my people Israel and let them know what I'm going to do to them. He was warning them about the coming invasion in captivity that they were experiencing and they had three invasion over 20 years before the last of them were exiled. He gave them five chances to return to God!
Every difficulty that comes along; God gives you a chance to come to Him. We're facing that right now n America; that very thing! He sets before us two things before the famine or the Word comes!
Amos 4:12: "Therefore, I will do this to you, O Israel; and because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!"
That is in trials, in difficulties, and punishments for all of your sins! The greatest sin is abortion; everything hinges on that!
- then Sunday-keeping
- then holiday-keeping
All of those great lies are destroying the greatest nation that God has ever raised up. The purpose of having this nation raised up is to preach the Gospel to the world!
The way that they're coming in and closing down on anything that people have to say on whatever digital sites: Facebook, etc.
They want to arrest Elon Musk in America for his social network that he has called X. That disagrees with the poor little things that the French government doesn't want them to have. So, look at it now:
- Canada
- Brazil
- UK
- France
- China
- Muslims
All control, with varying degrees of iron-fistness whatever anyone says, and don't you dare say anything that offends!
Verse 12: "Therefore, I will do this to you, O Israel; and because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!"
Amos 5—He gives them a little respite. Now, if Trump is elected we may have a time of a little respite; but it's going to be difficult!
Amos 5:4: "For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel, 'Seek Me, and you shall live.'
First thing you return to God His way! You don't do it like the Protestants and get out there self-righteously and say 'O God come into my life.'
He's not going to come into your life because you demand, He demands you come to Him!
"…'Seek Me, and you shall live.'"
It says in Isa. 55, 'You return to me and I'll return to you.' You repent of your thoughts because that's part of your repentance!
Now then He gives a warning: v 5: "But do not seek Bethel…" That's the old religious way or going back into Protestantism.
Again He says, v 6: "Seek the LORD and you shall live, lest He break out like a fire on the house of Joseph and devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethel."
Verse 8: "Seek Him Who created the Pleiades…"—and so forth!
That's all the host of heaven, all the stars. They are all named, They are all numbered! God has called us to the greatest most wonderful thing that we could possibly have!
"…Seek Him Who calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out on the face of the earth—the LORD is His name" (v 8).
Then He says not to get involved in the idols and things like that.
Verse 14: "Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as you have spoken. Hate the evil, and love the good…" (vs 14-15).
See what we're up against today: they love the evil and hate the good!
"…and establish judgment in the gate. It may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph" (v 15).
That's what we need! We need a little respite from all the troubles we're facing. If not, if Kamala gets in it's over! It's over!
Now, here's what God says concerning the holidays. Did you know that they already have all the Halloween stuff out and the Christmas stuff out? And pretty soon you're going to go into the stores and you're going to hear all of the Christmas carols and everybody's all brainwashed.
That's why they have music in the stores wherever you go in the stores; to keep everybody brainwashed!
I do a little shopping at Knob Hill and they've got this music pounding. Worst music in the world! It doesn't want me to just inspire me to buy any more things. It inspires me to hurry and get what I want to get out of there. I can't stand it!
Now here's what God says about the holidays that are coming up:
Verse 21: "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will take no delight in your solemn assemblies. Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them" (vs 21-22).
You can put it today
- though you have wonderful hymns
- though you have Christmas trees
- though you have little statues of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
- thought you've got the three wise men there
Oh it's such a wonderful thing! Then comes Easter the lying thing of Easter! Ishtar the goddess of Babylon; Jesus rose on Easter. He did not rise on Easter!
- 'Oh, but you're blaspheming.' No, you are!
- 'How can I blaspheme, everybody has believed this for centuries? That's why you're blaspheming!
"…I will not accept them. Nor will I regard the peace offerings of your fat animals. Take the noise of your songs away from Me…" (vs 22-23)—I like that!
Today we don't have music, we have brainwashing! You know how easy it is, because every once in a while you hear a song on an ad on television and you can't get it out of your head. Takes a while!
"…for I will not hear the melody of your harps. But let judgment roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream" (vs 23-24).
So that's what has to happen! That's where we are today with the situation that we have in America. We're right there right on the edge not crossroads; we passed the crossroads long ago. We're at the edge of the cliff!
If you get any closer you're going down! They can do it all of a sudden. They don't have to drop atomic bombs, because they don't want that. They want:
- the land
- the production
But they can cut off everything and you will have no way of being able to recover from it. That's the whole system that is set up. So, we need to really take these warnings and:
- understand where we're going
- understand what we're doing
Scriptural References:
- Amos 8:11
- Leviticus 19:29
- Matthew 20:20-28
- Amos 4:12
- Amos 5:4-6, 8, 14-15, 21-24
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Revelation 13
- Isaiah 3
- Genesis 3
- Isaiah 55
Also referenced:
Jordan Maxwell Blog—Aug. 22, 2011
The government do not want you to think too much
Article: Advanced Technology and the Coming Global Empire by Britt Gillette, Aug. 27, 2024
Message: How God Knows Us by Roger Tointon
Book (new): The True Riches of God {}
Three parts on YouTube: Herbert W. Armstrong—In His Own Words!
GTM Message: Are We Willing to Let Go? by Norbert Bohnert
In-Depth studies on Grace, with CDs:
- Grace of God
- God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping
- Grace Upon Grace
Transcribed: 9/18/24
Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.